December 31, 2010 | DeviantArtist DarkRoxima sent us a new piece of fanart today, a Tenchi in Tokyo wallpaper! Take a look, and be sure to visit his DeviantArt page for many more works.
August 18, 2010 | Due to a server move, the largest of the scans have been deleted. This means all those 30 MB+ scans are no more. A scan still exists for everything that was here, but the largest sizes are now gone, giving back nearly 6 GB of space that wasn't really needed anyway.
May 26, 2008 | Two additions, one to the fanfiction page and the other to the Misc. Fanworks page. Tenchi Muyo! In Love, Book Two: Honor Amongst Thieves by Darthbuert has been added to the fanfiction page and Tenchi; Superman, an AMV by the same, has been added to Misc. Fanworks. Alas, HDS is slow to add other material; I have many items but they are either in other states or, when I have them, I've no time to scan. Hopefully before the end of the summer we'll see new media from me, eh?
February 24, 2008 | An addition to the fanfiction page today, aye. Tenchi Muyo! In Love: First Love, Book One by Darthbuert is up on the fanfiction page. Have a look, eh?
January 26, 2008 | The more that I promised on the 17th, aye. One new poster and updated (read: better and larger) versions of an older poster on the General Pictures page in HDS' Scans.
January 17, 2008 | The first update of the new year! Scans from AIC Comic Club Anthology, Volume I and Volume II are up in addition to the already extant Volume III. Scans from AZUMANGA - digitally remastered edition, AZUMANGA - TWO, Megu - Hyperkid's Network Magazine, May 1997, Shin Tenchimuyo DVD #6 and Shin-Tenchimuyo Novel & CD, Sakuya are also up. More may be coming shortly depending on my efficienty (An iffy should). Enjoy!
September 28, 2007 | An update after quite the dry spell, eh? Numerous additions to note has HDS, all in Media. First up are three editions to the section containing my scans: Dragon Magazine, May 1997; AIC Comic Club Anthology Volume III; and a magazine of indeterminate title. The latter has a surprise. You may recall the following picture from your travels on the interweb and/or in the General Pictures page of Reflection. It has been floating around the ethernet for many years now, source unknown to this one until now: this mysterious magazine. The Fanworks section has been entirely revamped and today features three sections: Fanart, Fanfiction and Miscellaneous Fanworks. Fanart is much the same as the old Fanworks page save for the addition of a third piece of fanart in the "Sakuya in one-piece, colors variable" thanks to Tyler. Gracias, Señor, muchas gracias! On the new Fanfiction page we have a trilogy and stand-alone piece from Darthbuert, a new contributor, and on the Misc. Fanworks page two music videos, also from Darthbuert, have been added. Feel free to contribute yourself!
April 19, 2007 | At long last the final Shin Tenchimuyo! artbook has been added to the Media section. That's right, the Shin Tenchimuyo! Special Collection, which I've had scanned but not prepared for some time, is how available. Enjoy!
April 05, 2007 | A new section is opened in Media, a section especially created because of the kind actions of a visitor. Donated Media can now be found in the Media section, fresh with two images kindly sent to me by fellow Sakuya fan Tyler. They depict a sister poster to one I own, visible in the General section of Scans of Mine. Check them out and thanks, Tyler!
March 24, 2007 | No new content, although some waits in the wings. In its stead, a new layout is up! Better than the last, methinks, and straight from the Original Illustration Book.
December 18, 2006 | A new artbook has HDS acquired! The page for the exceedingly rare and lovely Shin-Tenchimuyo! Original Illustration Book is now up, with a number of images new to me.
October 29, 2006 | At long last the media upload is complete. All material I currently possess has been scanned and added. This shrine is opened.
September 18, 2006 | Today, after much haggling with the stylesheet, this shrine can be called open, sort of. It has no content today, other than this news page, but that should be remedied soon.
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