Now, what few rules I have. Anything scanned by me can be used for anything you please, provided you don't violate the copyright of the creator/publisher of the media. Any images I have found around the internet should be used with caution, as I don't know where I got most of them from and thus cannot give permission to use them. I apologize in advance to any webmasters/mistresses whose material I've used here. I truly do not remember where I procured nearly all of it, being that most comes from six or more years in the past, before I regularly bookmarked every page I saved from. I've included every site I think I used on the links page, but I know I missed at least a few. I know how bad this is to ask, but if anyone thinks they are the original digitizers of some of the non-scanned by HDS images or media here, please do not hesitate to let me know, possibly via or, if you prefer, via the guestbook. I apologize again. ;_;
If you do happen use something I scanned, a link back would be in good taste but is not required or requested, no no.
Of course, should you want to own Shin Tenchimuyo for yourself, I highly reccomend you stop by Robert's Anime Corner Store, as they have it as cheap as it gets.

As a last bit, sign the guestbook if you enjoy Reflections (Or even if you don't)!